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Sometimes we get all caught up taking ourselves a bit too seriously…

One day, while reviewing my travel photos, I got the distinct feeling my BMobile StarKiln24 was anxious to hit the road. Soon I received a couple of postcards and selfies and it was obvous this warm-hearted, adventurous kiln was on holiday, visiting many of the locations in my photos. What’s more, I discovered this kiln’s fearless; not hesitant at all to take up parachuting in Vienna! What can I say? The StarKiln24 is a remarkable kiln, designed to travel and boldly go where no kiln has gone before…

What? Oakland Elk


Homage To Stone

Little Bit Jumpy

…and over 20 more snaps!

Front and Back Covers

This book will soon be for purchase! There will be an “Order Form” set up when it is available.

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